Mainstream Freelancer Submission.
This is a template that I created for a design contest on I don't believe I ever submitted it, so I don't know if they liked it or not.
Bonanni Development Job Bid Site.
This was a project where the client was looking for a platform to upload job blue prints and other information for sub-contractors to bid on. It included a feature which takes multiple PDF files and combines them to create a single large file for download with each job bid.
Mexican Food Site
I created this as a demo for a restaurant web site. This site is not affiliated with any real life restaurant.
Media Blog Concept
This is a demo I created for a sample media blog. I was experimenting with different media types and methods of displaying them.
Thomas White Law
This was a submission for a law firms website. They didn't end up with my template,but that's fine. You can see their bland choice here: .
Contract Demo
This is a template I created to demo a possible contractors web site for clients to visit and get more information as well as contact the firm.
Yoga Baby
This is a template that I created for a fake Baby Yoga studio. I have demo information on the calendar section to demo how the scheduling might work. I have not created the class registration functions as this is not for a real company. If someone picks it up I will complete it.
Mobile Parts & Devices
This is a site that I built and master for the company that I work for. It sells mobile parts and devices to the USA. Visit and check it out!
Wholesale Mobile Parts & Devices
This is the wholesale portal for Mobile Parts & Devices. I built and master this as well for the company I work for.
Grassroots Computers
This is Grassroots Computers web site. I build and master this for the company that I work for. Check it out and get some awesome hardware!
Crutch Code Laboratories
This is my Youtube / Game Dev and tutorial site. I recently changed the design and need to continue adding more content. As of writing this entry it contains all my youtube videos and a few secrets as well. Hop on over and try to find them all.
Saturday Night Gaming League
This is the site for our Saturday Night Gaming League Streaming Channel. We play couch games and having a good time. This Site contains various API integrations, game records and administration elements. It is hosted over 4 domains,,,,